I devoured this book, it was so good! I'm in a time crunch because I checked out 6 books at the library and have to get them all read before they are due. I'm feeling the pressure but thankful I can read fast. I just grabbed this book off of the New Release shelf because the cover grabbed me. It is about a man who goes to war (I'm a sucker for war books) and leaves behind a wife and baby daughter. He ends up getting wounded and comes home to his life that is in shambles. Nothing is as he left it, his medical practice is a mess, his wife dead and his baby girl a stranger. How will he piece his life back together? Will he ever be the father that his daugher needs? Will he ever recover from his losses? This book took some twists that I didn't see coming. It turned out to be a little bit of a mystery which I don't normally read but this one caught me by surprise and I liked it. It was very well written and engaged me every with page turn. It again, left me thankful for all the people who serve our country, fighting for my freedom. They sacrifice so much. "She's only human. Don't judge her. Just love her." We are all only human. We all judge but we all need to do less judging and more loving, showing grace to each other because after all, we are only human. "Here's what I think. If I hadn't gone over there, I wouldn't be the father I am. I wouldn't be the man I am. War changes everything, and everybody. It changed me, and the sacrifice changed me. I've decided to live my life in a way that honors that sacrifice, and all the sacrifices." War does change everyone involved in it and the circle is big. The only thing is to live honoring the sacrifice that was paid. I also see this for the sacrifice that Christ gave us on the cross. He gave everything and I want my life to honor that sacrifice.
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