Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Sorry it has been so long. I have been reading books just not blogging about them. So let me start by saying, I GOT A KINDLE! I am so excited about this and have been wanting one for three years now. My hubby is great and got one for me for Mother's Day. I had been reading the Zion Covenant series by Bodie Thoene but honestly, it got old. I had read the previous series, The Zion Chronicles, and was on the 4th book of this series and just lost interest. It became more history than about the characters and I'm not a big fan of history to say the least. So when I got my Kindle I jumped at the chance to start something new. Don't know if I will pick that series back up or not, I'll have to let you know. So look to my next post for my 1st Kindle read!